Circular economy: RWE gives monopile foundation covers a new lease of life
Circular economy: RWE gives monopile foundation covers a new lease of life It looks like small UFOs have landed at Thyboron Port, Denmark. But these
Circular economy: RWE gives monopile foundation covers a new lease of life It looks like small UFOs have landed at Thyboron Port, Denmark. But these
This morning we have loaded the first batch of our reused Vattenfall HKZ monopile covers for RWE Thor OWF. Circularity and reuse in practice ♻️.
First batch of our reused MP-covers for the RWE Thor OWF project almost ready for loadout to Thyboron Port.
Last week we did the client mockup of our current project Thor Offshore Wind Farm. In close cooperation with RWE, Enersea BV, Femto Engineering and
In the past period, we have developed a new product at special request of our customer: the reusable and stackable flange cover. This cover protects
The future is bright, just like the Dutch skies over Windpark Fryslân. On our way to Stocznia for the assembly of our newest product; reusable Monopile
Today we started with the assembly of the client mock up of our newest project in Poland. This mock up is the first production ready
Did you know that CCM can also support in the delivery of other types of tailormade polyester products? Our core business is temporary hardcovers for
This week we were busy preparing for the actual reuse of our former Vattenfall HKZ-MP-cover. Our covers are redesigned to fit a larger diameter monopile
We are currently preparing for upcoming projects in which the former HKZ covers will be reused on new offshore wind farms. In order to carry
Last week we received our fifth truck trailer, fully equipped in the style of our company and with a clear picture of our activities. With
Before offshore wind turbines can be installed, their foundations need to be laid first. On top of each set of foundations stands a monopile with
New Year’s Greetings! As we look optimistically ahead to 2024, we also take a moment to look back on 2023, a year of important milestones
Success! CCM is now also part of the Dutch Offshore Wind Innovation Guide from wind & water works. Your guide to Dutch offshore wind policy,
We are happy with DHSS – Clarksons Port Services as one of our partners in operations. They are working on dismantling of reusable TP Covers, who’ve recently completed
This week we received the last four of our 140 circular monopile covers at Eemshaven. This concludes our contribution to the ‘Hollandse Kust Zuid’ offshore
Our team looks back on an incredible year in which our innovative hardcovers have proven themselves in the most challenging offshore conditions at the ‘Hollandse
This week we have loaded the second batch of our fully recyclable hardcovers. These where succesfully deployed at Vattenfalls offshore wind farm ‘Hollandse Kust Zuid’. Our
More info on Vattenfall’s wind farm for which CCM is involved in the production of monopile covers, see enclosed episode of the NOS journaal (start
NH News (Noord-Holland Nieuws) interviewed (former) CCM Managing Director Wil Dinnessen about the innovative composite monopile cover and the production order for Vattenfall. NH News
CCM B.V. supplied 140 monopile hard covers at Vattenfalls offshore wind farm ‘Hollandse Kust Zuid’ (HKZ).* Between 18-36 kilometres off the Dutch coast, Vattenfall’s offshore